Quantum Many-Body Systems In and Out of Equilibrium

February 13 - 16, 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The dynamical behaviour of quantum many-body systems, both in and out of equilibrium represents one of the most intriguing challenges concerning a range of fields of physics, from condensed matter and quantum statistical physics to quantum computing.The topics addressed will involve some central questions of the field, such as

  • Ergodicity and ergodicity-breaking phase transitions,
  • Ultrafast dynamics in strongly correlated solid-state systems,
  • Dynamics of transient, long-lived, non-equilibrium phases.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists working in the relevant fields of physics and provide a stimulating environment to propagate collaboration and facilitate discussions.

Jožef Stefan Institute

Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


Sadamichi Maekawa


Janez Bonča

Jožef Stefan Institute

Seiji Yunoki


Peter Prelovšek

Jožef Stefan Institute

Tomonori Shirakawa


Jernej Mravlje

Jožef Stefan Institute

Kazuhiro Seki


Zala Lenarčič

Jožef Stefan Institute

Kazuya Shinjo


Madhumita Sarkar

Jožef Stefan Institute

Yuta Murakami


Jure Kokalj

Jožef Stefan Institute

Denis Golež

Jožef Stefan Institute



Book of Abstracts


Organizing Committee

  • Jože Gašperlin

    Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

  • Denis Golež

    Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Janez Bonča

    Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
